Array and Matrix programming exercises and solutions in C


Array is a linear collection of similar data types elements. Array in C programming are used to store more than one value at a time in a variable which can be easily accessed by their index. Array can be categorized in two categories:
  1. Single dimension array
  2. Multi dimension array
Here is a list of simple programs on array and matrix to practice for beginners:
  1. Write a C program to read and print elements of array. - using recursion.
  2. Write a C program to print all negative elements in an array.
  3. Write a C program to find sum of all array elements. - using recursion.
  4. Write a C program to find maximum and minimum element in an array. - using recursion.
  5. Write a C program to find second largest element in an array.
  6. Write a C program to count total number of even and odd elements in an array.
  7. Write a C program to count total number of negative elements in an array.
  8. Write a C program to copy all elements from an array to another array.
  9. Write a C program to insert an element in an array.
  10. Write a C program to delete an element from an array at specified position.
  11. Write a C program to print all unique elements in the array.
  12. Write a C program to count total number of duplicate elements in an array.
  13. Write a C program to delete all duplicate elements from an array.
  14. Write a C program to count frequency of each element in an array.
  15. Write a C program to merge two array to third array.
  16. Write a C program to find reverse of an array.
  17. Write a C program to put even and odd elements of array in two separate array.
  18. Write a C program to search an element in an array.
  19. Write a C program to sort array elements in ascending order.
  20. Write a C program to sort array elements in descending order.
  21. Write a C program to sort even and odd elements of array separately.
  22. Write a C program to left rotate an array.
  23. Write a C program to right rotate an array.

  24. Write a C program to add two matrices.
  25. Write a C program to subtract two matrices.
  26. Write a C program to perform Scalar matrix multiplication.
  27. Write a C program to multiply two matrices.
  28. Write a C program to check whether two matrices are equal or not.
  29. Write a C program to find sum of main diagonal elements of a matrix.
  30. Write a C program to find sum of minor diagonal elements of a matrix.
  31. Write a C program to find sum of each row and column of a matrix.
  32. Write a C program to interchange diagonals of a matrix.
  33. Write a C program to find upper triangular matrix.
  34. Write a C program to find lower triangular matrix.
  35. Write a C program to find sum of upper triangular matrix.
  36. Write a C program to find sum of lower triangular matrix.
  37. Write a C program to find transpose of a matrix.
  38. Write a C program to find determinant of a matrix.
  39. Write a C program to check Identity matrix.
  40. Write a C program to check Sparse matrix.
  41. Write a C program to check Symmetric matrix.

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